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Friday 1 January 2010

2009: The Director's Cut: Scroll the Second

So. Another highlight... mark of the year.

'Twas the Year of the Nemesis.

Being the eldest of 4-6 children for 11 odd years, I am wont to rib the younguns. Harmless ribbing. I assure. Diorraing and Cárthach never kicked up much of a fuss, a bit of moanin' and huffin' is all. And then she came along...

The first time was documented before. Since then, there have been a couple of tête à tête:
A common tactic I employed in the past was telling the youngest- Diorraing, Cárthach and now Molly- "I was Mammy/Deirdre's first baby." It is a long time since I did it to Diorraing, but I think his response was reserved and accepting. Cárthach reacted as expected; a bit of moaning and assertions to the contrary. And then she came along...
I made the usual claim. Initially, she was rather outraged.1 Things quickly unravelled as Sagacious Sextus turned to/on me,"My daddy isn't dead [giggles]."
Once more was I brought low by the lowest rung of progenous ladder.

More recently, I was home for a dentist visit. She brings 4 beakers to bed. 4. I took one from her on the sly. Of course, she noticed. At first, she yelped at "mammy" about it.2 When it became clear that her cat's paw wasn't on duty, she told me with much glee,"I'm gonna tie you up with a rope and leave you on the road so a car can get you!"
Those are the most memorable instances. I expected Christmas to be the blowout of the decade.3 As luck would have it,4 it was a civil occasion.

Once. Once, there was an order to things. A hierarchy.5 And then...
1"No", "I'm Mammy's baby."
2Granted, an adorable yelp.
3Decades run from year one of a decade, not year "zero."i It is the end of a decade, but really. The Y2K bug strikes again.ii Who's doing the counting around here?
4Good or bad depends on your perspective.
5Disclaimer: This is rampant "poetic licence." At least in the past, it was limited to the elder brothers; She's not even 3!

iUnfortunately, people are idiots and wikipedia is far too egalaratian for my tastes.
iiCheck out Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie for The Lost Scrolls of Frosty. I tried finding free versions of it online, but their site no longer hosts it :(

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