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Monday 11 January 2010

The life and death of a Snowmonk

So, snow.

For the first time, since I was a pudgy little boy in my shell overalls and wellies scooping snow around my father's work-van, we got a substantial amount. So much so that UCD ground to a halt and the Sports Centre was closed over the weekend. We had to cancel training as a result. But that doesn't mean we didn't go to UCD. The dedicated, the bored, few gathered in the Sports Centre car park and hatched a cunning plot to create life and then cruelly snuff it out in the form of Snowmonk.1,2

And so the Lords giveth:

And They taketh away:

... and away:

... and away:

... taketh just a tiny little bit more away:

In summation:
Even considering the glare cast by the rose-tinted past, Best Snow Day Ever.

1 In our defence, it was going to suffer a painful, attritious death, alone and unloved. We performed a service really. Besides, surely, having created life, we have supreme authority over it? You know, tell it when to go to bed, what school it is going to, etc.
2We went with Snowmonk for obvious reasons. That go without saying.


  1. Looks like a good fun :) I was home there was only about 20 cm of snow but with -20 you cant really play with it... and then I left for Delft and my Mum called me that its -2 and 60 cm... now I could have had egloo!

  2. Our snow has been taken by Ireland. We've had none at all and one of the local mountains has been closed for skiing due to the lack of snow and the surfeit of rain. This is ,of course, the mountain which will shortly host some of the Winter Olympics events.
    Nice duffel coat by the way...
