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Tuesday 1 June 2010

The one in England

Many of my readers have voiced a liking for a character that appears often in my tales of Bog1: "The Mother." Unusually tech savvy for a mother of 6, often is the time she put me and my siblings in our places on-line; unfortunately, she has to contend with Molly now, who is some kind of cunning pod person in the guise of a sweet little girl.1.5

Since I am somewhat occupied writing my thesis, I am happy to bang out a work-light piece of fluff to throw to the masses.2

The following takes place between the hours of 8 p.m. and 10 a.m.:

I got the scroll box html code from here, no longer am I at the mercy of blogger not showing things legibly!


1 I originally come from Bog Road... I never saw issue with it until I went to Irish College at the tender age of 12 and the dang city folk mocked me for it; Also it is an allusion to Tales of Yore.
1.5Case in point:
2Maybe more accurate to say mass of readers; I think I have just enough for a single pile of people.