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Wednesday 10 June 2009

A Zen-master says "ummmm"

For the past few months- since Morocco, in February- I have been meditating for 30-40 minutes daily. Nothing huge-mongous. I know people that do a good deal more, better. Nonetheless, I find it enjoyable. Sustaining, even.

Sometimes my mind feels cluttered or fragmented. After standing still for a while, thinking about standing still- or puzzling over thinking about not thinking- things feel simpler, more harmonious.

On the back of this "meditation stuff", I've begun reading Zen Flesh, Zen Bones [on-line here]. This bad boy inspires a similar sense of inner-calm. My favourite koans* are: Great Wave, Kasan Sweat and Every-Minute Zen.

In the same vein/vane- my epiphany for the week is "becoming one with the universe" is not necessarily a high-faluting-put-me-up-on-that-there-pedestal-there-and-bask-baskgodamnit-in-my-ugh-Oneness, but simply reacting without hesitation to stimulus or situation, [which in hindsight happens to be the correct action/the path of least resistance]. My favourite example of this not being the case:
I am getting ready to order food at the deli-counter- I know exactly what I want. When the person on the other side asks, I respond with "ummmm."

Figuring out this sublime way of thinking leads to the lessons garnered in my chosen koans, I think- I hazard.


Presentations**- no umming or ahing, just measured comfortable speech with just enough thought and just enough action;

Self defence, watch and act- no worrying, no second guessing;

And dancing salsa, just burning up the dancefloor.

I think that is what Zen is. Sometimes at least. Other times I think the guys that came up with these koans were poker-faced jokers. Whichever way it goes, I nod off on this note:
Lisa: Bart, I have a riddle for you. What's the sound of one hand clapping?
Bart: Piece of cake.
(Bart opens and closes his right fist quickly, making a sound.)
Lisa: No, Bart. It's a 3000-year-old riddle with no answer. It's supposed to clear your mind of conscious thought.
Bart: No answer? Lisa, listen up.
(Bart quickly opens and closes his fist again.)***
*There are other koans concerned with about nonattachment... but I don't care for them.

** I am off to Switzerland on Sunday for the 16th Mettler Toledo User's Conference, presenting on "Eliminating Micronisation Using Fine Particle Crystallization"

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