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Tuesday 13 January 2009

Weekend Armageddon

Had a dream last night, one of the first one I remember since the last chronicled...
It was a first person dream, accompanied by a narrative at times (I blame TV for my predictable story type) :/

[Fade in]
I'm part of a mass-exodus [sounds good, but I fear it redundant- since exoduses are massive things any way- though I don't fear enough to remove it].

The narrator informs us of an impending revolution by disenfranchised anarchists and others with a similar distaste for the money driven nature of the world. A time for the global revolt was circulated, the internet is a marvelous thing. Being a big secret, everyone knew about it- hence the running away and whatnot.

I was on a train. By the time we got to the picket line- manned by the army to make sure no unsavoury characters got on the other side- it all kicked off. There was gunfire and screaming farther back from the picket. The firefight catches up to where I was and there is complete mayhem. Fortunately I get away from it and onto an evacuation train. [I'm pretty sure that the soundtrack to 28 days later was playing for these harrowing moments of flight.]

It brought us to a station outside at a carnival celebrating the mockalypse [mock apocalypse]. The entire thing was a hoax. No one got injured. It was all in aid of blowing-off steam for everyone. The theme of the fair was "Surviving in a Post-Apocalyptic World", inhabited by Mad-Maxian punks and degenerates and less apocalyptically adjusted denizens. I got to beat up two guys at the same time in a bit of well humoured rough-housing.

Left the carnival, got on a departing train. Some considerate individual had organized the disgarded belongings of the run aways, so picked up my stuff without any hassle. Went home to bed.

[Fade out]

Currently I think that it means it is possible to go nuts for a while an return to normalcy- something I have been sceptical about.

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